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Bobcats... news news news..update on Free Agents

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by merchman567, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. moriarty

    moriarty who knew?

    Likes Received:
    Aug 16, 2005
  2. Clay

    Clay Full Access Member

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Wallace also played a substantial amount of time at PF over the last couple years. Granted, it was out of necessity due to injury, but it's quite possible we'll see that this year, since Vincent has indicated he's going to want to run more.

    It's quite possible they could run a lineup like Phoenix where you've got an extra shooting guard and the 3 and 4 position shift down one spot and there's no real center.

    Okafor/Wallace/Morrison/Richardson/Felton would be an example.

    If they were to do something like this, having Carrol to back up the 2/3 would be invaluable.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Your wildly inappropriate pseudonym aside, I don't think it's that difficult to understand the point here. If Wallace re-signs, then Carroll's contract was too large. That is the lesser of two evils, however, as the alternative is Carroll's contract heralding Wallace's departure. The latter might not even be the front office's fault, since it's entirely possible that Wallace wants to play somewhere else. In that case, it would be smart for them to address that situation. I'm just saying that it raises some concerning questions.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see that lineup occasionally, but not regularly. I also don't think that anyone makes Carroll "invaluable." None of the top 20 free agent lists that I saw had Carroll even on it.

    On another subject, am I completely out of touch or would it be a good move for the Bobcats to sign Jamaal Magloire?
  4. Wiggin

    Wiggin Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Well, the fact that there is enough passion to have a pissing contest is a step in the right direction.

    QC REPRESENT Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    funny I was thinking about him the other day. he wouldnt be any worse than Brezec thats for sure. Magloire is now a journeyman center but so is Brezec. he is only 29 so there is some tread on the tires. if Portland didn't get Oden, hes probably still there. at least he rebounds,blocks shots, and likes to dunk on people. thats 3 things Brezec doesnt do.
  6. cantgetright

    cantgetright Full Access Member

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    Jan 7, 2003
    I've thought about the same thing. He would have fit in better with Bernie's way of coaching instead of Vincents apparent uptempo plans but, he still would be an upgrade over anything we've got so I would definately support it- if the money was reasonable. I would rather have Darko based on upside but, Dollar for Dollar Jamaal would be the better value in the short term.

    Voskul opting out worries me a little. I don't wan't to have to pay him more than he was already making but, he was a nice to bring off the bench to go go mug someone for about 10 minutes and get under their skin. We will be a little thin at the center position if we don't get someone...... which brings up the Wizards are trying to move either Etan Thomas or Haywood. That could be something we could look at aswell ( I prefer Thomas)
  7. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    Brezec is a stiff and Volskul was a thug. There is bound to be better available.
  8. DJ_Tet

    DJ_Tet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2003
    Magloire was the man, I'd love to see him back in Charlotte.
  9. solarte1969

    solarte1969 ....

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    Jan 8, 2003
    both would be stiffs...Voskuhl is no thug...slug maybe....but thug, no. Guy is a born again Christian. He may have been a jerk at UConn, but its unfair to brand him thug.

    Bobcats could use a better Brezec, and Voskuhl likely won't be back.
  10. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    I thought as much until I read this from ESPN Insider
    2005-06 season: Magloire was the only Buck to start all 82 games, but he might not start 82 games the rest of his career. After coming to Milwaukee in a trade for Desmond Mason, Magloire was a huge disappointment in the middle, and it's become clear that he's slipped quite a bit since his All-Star selecton in 2003.

    Let's start with the positives. Magloire continues to be an outstanding rebounder, posting the seventh-best rebound rate among centers. His specialty is the defensive boards, where his rate ranked fifth in the entire league. Magloire also drew fouls at a high rate, as he has his whole career. Unfortunately, he undid most of the good from that by shooting 53.5 percent from the line.

    But Magloire's offensive game has shriveled. One of the mysteries of last season was why the Bucks kept insisting on calling so many plays for him. Magloire ranked 23rd among centers in usage rate, largely because Milwaukee continually fed him in the post. Yet he was horrible offensively -- his TS% ranked 59th out of 67 centers, plus he was turnover-prone (49th in turnover ratio) and couldn't find open men on the rare occasions somebody bothered to double him (55th in assist ratio).

    It's not like this was the Bobcats either. The Bucks were a decent offensive team, ranking 15th in the league in offensive efficiency. They had plenty of other players who could score, including players who could score better in the post. Choosing to pound it in to Magloire so much was a hugely unproductive strategy.

    Scouting report: One thing I don't get is the trend toward teaching big post players a reverse pivot move. I saw both Magloire and Michael Olowokandi doing this way more than they used to last season -- with emphasis on way, like on almost every catch -- and it hardly ever worked. Neither of them seemed to know what to do next once he turned and took a dribble into the paint. You know, come to think of it, there's a reason most centers don't have off-the-dribble games.

    Magloire has the size to establish deep post position but he won't get a good shot up unless he's within five feet of the basket, and it's tough to pound it in that low. He was never a great athlete but he seemed to get much, much slower and less athletic the past two seasons. Never a great leaper, he had no elevation whatsoever. He does have very long arms that allow him to get shots off practically without jumping, and that also helped him out greatly on the boards.

    Magloire's size and length are assets defensively, and although he no longer moves well he did an adequate job defending the middle for Milwaukee. He's not a shot blocker, but he's difficult to get deep position against or shoot over from the post, and his effort level is solid.

    2006-07 outlook: The Bucks traded Magloire to Portland after the season, asking only for Steve Blake, Brian Skinner and Ha Seung-Jin in return. (Side note: At what point do you suppose Magloire will stop being referred to as an "All-Star center" in press releases? I mean, isn't it a little jarring when a headline blares something like, "Blazers add All-Star center Magloire to be Przybilla's backup"?)

    Magloire may not be in Portland for long. He has an expiring contract and with the Blazers clearly in rebuilding mode, it wouldn't seem Magloire would be a big part of their plans. In spite of his recent decline, Magloire still be a contributor off the bench for a contending team in need of frontcourt help, so he may fetch the Blazers something juicy at the trade deadline.

    Most similar at age: Rony Seikaly

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