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How does Fox justify keeping Peete as starter

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by PantherPaul, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    Henning quoted Pepper Rodgers when he said what he looks for in a QB is someone who won't lose a game verses someone who can win a game for you.
  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

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    Jan 8, 2003
    I may have overstated a smidge but if you believe your comment then there's no room for discussion.

    At least this we can agree on. Still, I like Jake's attitude and how he's being supportive of Peete and saying to the press that he's not ready. It is my wish that us fans would be supportive of Peete (and Fox) until Fox makes the inevitable change as I think enthusiastic fan support is important to our chances of winning.

    It's going to be me opinion vs yours. I didn't have your birdseye view but I stand in my opinion, which was formed on the basis of two woeful passes to the left. You think there was justification in the passes missing their mark, I think they were signs that he has not yet fully corrected that obvious problem. I had been unconvinced by his throws to his left all preseason. These throws cast even further doubts in my mind that he has shed that demon. Also, on a third and long from inside the midfield stripe he threw a four-or-so-yard pass that left us with a fourth down and beyond FG range. What was the point? Why didn't he try to at least get us in FG range? Hell, from that point of the field I think he should of stood in there and waited for something to open up downfield even to the point of taking a sack before taking that easy, meaningless pass. He gained nothing other than padding his stats. That's seems to me to be another recurring problem I see in him. He is not a gamer ... even when he's battling for QB position on the team. When the chips were on the line, he let his true colors show. There. Those are to me his two great faults. He can't throw to his left well and he's not a gamer. Those faults showed themselves as a reminder of their hideousness against PITT when he was finally given a chance to prove himself. He got off to a good start this preseason like he did last preseason and, like last preseason, regressed miserably IM(albeit unpopular)O.
  3. T_Schroll

    T_Schroll Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Winnsboro SC
    Weinke's bad throws are the result of mechanics(throwing off his back foot, not stepping into the throw). That can be worked on. Guess you better watch the tapes of Delhomme in the earlier games. He threw a few that would have made Billy Kilmer proud. Some of Weinke's better throws have come to the left. Don't remember the touch pass that was nearly a TD before the WR got knocked out of bounds? You don't like him, fine. Just don't overlook the things he's done well and harp on shit like it's the end of the world if he goes in there. He's made no bad decisions out there. Ball placement has been generally in between the numbers. The two balls he's "overthrown" were both noted by the announcers as blown routes by the receivers.
  4. Piper

    Piper phishin member

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    Jan 7, 2003
    >>Still, I like Jake's attitude and how he's being supportive of Peete and saying to the press that he's not ready.

    I don't think Jake said "exactly" that. He said something to the effect that Rodney didn't do anything to lose the job (although, in reality, you can't argue that Peete played well. Just that the team believes in him.)

    Weinke himself said the same thing, in essense, players play, coaches coach, and he thought all 3 were ready.

    >>Hell, from that point of the field I think he should of stood in there and waited for something to open up downfield even to the point of taking a sack

    Or you force it, get picked, and there's a TD the other way. Or stand their and fumble, as you suggest. Good options there. Yessiree.

    That, to me, was one of Weinke's problems, beyond accuracy. Forcing the issue. Better to me to take the check down. Maybe a back breaks a tackle and makes a play.

    Madden always says that kind of thing. Why throw a pass that's not to the marker on 3rd and long? I remember a few years ago Boomer E went of on some announcer who said that. And he was right. Throw the underneath pass. They don't have to fall down as soon as they catch it.

    I looked back at the Washington game. Hasbeens, to belatedly asnwer your question, Hankton ran the wrong route on the overthrow to the left. He broke off too early. Either that or Weinke was wrong, which is possible, but either way he threw it where he wanted to.

    I've seen dramatic improvement in Weinke's accuracy. Blitz Pressure and press coverage is an unknown, cause they force good quick decisoins Give him time to survey, his accuracy is good and his decisions are good. He faced some pressure the other night, and though he didn't fare better than Peete, he didn't force the bad play that has plauged him.

    He had a good game the other night, all four games. Stats may be for losers, but it's hard to win without some. Jake had a perfect game the other night, and is rightfully listed ahead. But that doesn't take away from how well Weinke has improved. That's just bias showing.

    edit, See T's post. "You don't like him, fine. Just don't overlook the things he's done well and harp on shit like it's the end of the world if he goes in there. He's made no bad decisions out there. Ball placement has been generally in between the numbers. The two balls he's "overthrown" were both noted by the announcers as blown routes by the receivers."

    Said that a lot better than I did.

    >>It is my wish that us fans would be supportive of Peete (and Fox) until Fox makes the inevitable change as I think enthusiastic fan support is important to our chances of winning.

    I'm sure people will cheer, and should. But you can't force "enthusiasm" (there's that word again). It has to be earned. Fox, and Peete, have to do it.

    Produce first before you ask everyone to tow the company line, which will never happen anyway. i mean, we can all be a bunch of mindless homers of the like that seems to inflict Redskin fans, but where's the fun in that?
  5. ColinG

    ColinG Just Football Please

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Washington, DC
    I watched it for the first time last night and I saw two bad throws to the left...both to Young. Both times the comment was that he was throwing off the wrong foot.
  6. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

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    Jan 8, 2003
    harp - to dwell on a subject tirelessly

    i have been unconvinced either way throughout most of the preseason of whether he was ready to start, so i don't think i had stated much of an opinion before much less "harped," as you say. if anything i was hopeful that he was ready. i just became and remain convinced otherwise after the PITT game for the reasons and viewpoints stated.

    from the Gazette -- As for learning Carolina’s offense, Delhomme admitted, “I don’t think I’m there yet.”

    from the Gazette -- (Delhomme), “I would assume Rodney Peete is going to start next week and I’ll be pulling for him like crazy,”

    check the tape, he wasn't under pressure when he threw that 4- yard pass. there's a time and a place for the underneath pass. imo that was not one of them, and imo he is not a gamer. i know coming up short happens to even good QBs but imo he all too often makes inexplicable decisions that make me cringe and wonder if all the matter has suddenly escaped his noggin.

    he has improved, no doubt. but the plays i mentioned put the worry about him back in me. if he goes in, i'll pull like shit for him and applaud him if he does well.

    >> Weinke's bad throws are the result of mechanics(throwing off his back foot, not stepping into the throw). That can be worked on.

    that's what i thought two years ago and yet i fear the problem may still not be corrected. i'm perplexed. if you got an answer, i wish you'd share it with him.

    >> But you can't force "enthusiasm" (there's that word again). It has to be earned. Fox, and Peete, have to do it.

    what's it take to earn your support? they exceeded YOUR expectations for the team last year. isn't that enough to justify YOUR ENTHUSIASTIC support? why shouldn't i be enthused? hell there are even sportswriters more fired up about our team than some of OUR fans. if Jake or Weinke gives us a better chance of winning than that's a good thing that will come about in short time. to me that's exciting. after seeing Jake, in particular, and the other newbies, I'm excited about our potential this year. i'm worried about certain things, but that won't keep me from supporting the team, Fox and Peete during the game despite how things might go. being supportive of a team still trying to gain and prove itself does not have to mean you're mindless. funny, but the word "mindless" comes more to my thinking when i think of the fickle, fair weather fans that start talking SB after you win one preseason game and then start talking doom after the next.

    >> Produce first before you ask everyone to tow the company line

    Well it may in reality be all big business, but to me it's still a game and the Panthers are my team and my emotions are pulling for them to win. I'm a fan. You don't need to ask me to be enthusiasticly supportive about the team I love. When we're at the game, our enthusiasm helps the team. Our lack of enthusiasm hurts. You're either with them or against them .... or you're lukewarm puke. Simple as that.
  7. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    i missed the good days when we had QB controversies. this preseason should be a hoot.
  8. McFly41

    McFly41 Work Hard...PLAY HARDER!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
  9. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home


    Why do people get enjoyment out of this retarded shit?
  10. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Carr's gonna come in after halftime of the first game and IT...WILL...BE...MAGIC!

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