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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by meatpile, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I understand semantics are all you have. That and talking about Delhomme's nutsack, and passing off your bias as my problem.

    Which is why you're not talking about the points any of us are bringing up, but you're bringing up Weinke's college career.
  2. Piper

    Piper phishin member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You've not answered the question. It's a simple one.

    No reference to nutsacks. Why are the stats wrong? Why are the playoff wins fools gold?
  3. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    I'll repeat myself....nobody makes it to the pro level without being very talented. But so is everybody else at that level. Jake's passing falls some where in the middle or bottom of that pool. I'm saying what he brings to the table MOST is his heart.
  4. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    I think the playoff wins came on others backs. Just like mags believes Jakes game against Philly in 04 was not as bad as Weinke's game tonight. The stats say otherwise, but he says Jake's wasn't as bad.....I say Jake wasn't as good in the playoff games as his stats suggest.....we blocked field goals, and extra points and had Stephen Davis....just how I see it
  5. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    I believe you bring someone in here with the opportunity to compete with whoever is here for the starting job.
  6. Piper

    Piper phishin member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You were doing ok till the end. Game 2 vs Tampa is what you are thinking of, not the two playoff runs. We blocked 1 FG, vs the Pats.Davis didn't have a big game during the run. A pretty good Dallas game, but Jake, with Smitty and Moose, had a bigger one.
  7. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    There were other backs that carried us is all I'm saying. Smitty has always made Jake look better than he is.
  8. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    that's really not the case, though. The common denominator in those games was Jake, other than Philly, and that's because we flat out sat on a lead after their QB got hurt. The rest of the 03 games, and the 05 games, were Jake. It wasn't all Smitty - Moose was right up there with him. Proehl had damn good numbers. He was at his best and it was him, not heart, not excuses, not someone else covering his ass.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    For the last six hours I've been horrendously depressed, so it's good to know that TBR is always there to pick you up for a laugh. Not only do I have magnus already behaving exactly like I said he was going to and taking exactly the kind of grief for it that I said he would (and I was giving him 6 months, while he did it in 3 weeks), but he's making some of the dumbest and most obviously biased statements he's made since 2001 when he was dead set on defending Seifert from all comers.

    Let's look at the comments magnus made in the game thread:

    First: "so not only do we call another crappy underneath call in a spot we could convert, but Weinke hits the TE on the helmet."

    So here he's blaming Weinke for a pass that hit Mangum in the head. Most sane people, including the Fox announcers, would believe that a throw like that is the receiver's responsibility, but you can already tell at this point that magnus is actively pulling for Weinke to suck. Can you imagine that? Magnus actually wanted Weinke to do poorly just so he could continue his bitchfest with the various Delhomme critics. Even I've never pulled for a Panther to suck just to win an argument.

    Next: "a completion!"

    Can you feel the sarcasm? I knew magnus would go right back to his old self, but I'm really surprised at how quickly it transpired. You know he wouldn't dare be this overtly biased with me around because I'd rip him a new asshole, just like I'm in the process of doing now.

    Later: "two grounders in a row for Weinke"

    Granted, out of context you might believe that could just be a neutral accounting of what was taking place, but in context it certainly reads like magnus looking to detail Weinke's every flaw and getting excited about every failure.

    This is the one that I couldn't fucking believe: "nice catch Carter, but that's just a floater downfield...we just chuck the ball up there. That's not just Jake. That's just us. Hope someone goes and gets it."

    Everyone else saw that beautiful ball that Weinke threw to Carter, right? It was absolutely perfect without the excessive hang time that Jake often leaves under it and positioned right on Drew's outside shoulder in stride where only he could get it. So how does magnus react to this great play? He calls it "a floater downfield," "chuck the ball up there," and "hope someone goes and gets it." I really didn't intend to post tonight, but I couldn't let bias this blatant get by. It's just absolutely fucking disgraceful. Not only is magnus pulling for Weinke to fail, but he completely dismisses a very good play because he's that dead set against giving the guy any credit at all. I'm honestly surprised people didn't make more of a big deal out of it, although I guess you were preoccupied with the game at the time.

    The biggest pile of bullshit in the world: "not to mention the crux of your argument is that the egg Weinke laid out there was better than the single worst Delhomme start. Which it wasn't."

    Make sure you understand what magnus is saying here. He's saying that Weinke today was worse than any game Jake has ever played for us. That's actually what he said, as hard as it is to believe. He's that out of touch with reality and that determined to indulge his bias and bury Weinke just to gain some kind of internet status over guys he doesn't like. Now I've never made my disdain for magnus a secret, obviously, but even I'm surprised by this kind of idiocy. Weinke's performance was worse than any Jake has ever had? Good fucking lord.

    So as I said three weeks ago when certain soulless jackals were attacking me, magnus is every bit as judgmental and dismissive as I am, only I do it out of devotion to the truth and he does it out of devotion to himself. No one has ever, ever caught me being so obviously biased about a player or pulling for a Panther to fail because I never would. I correct people because I actually care about the truth, whereas magnus often "corrects" people without regard to the actual facts and only seeks to glorify himself.


    Now as for the actual game, I was in favor of giving Weinke a shot just to see how he could do since it's clear to me that we're not going anywhere with the '06 version of Jake at the helm. Unfortunately Piper is correct, Weinke is still worse than Jake. Chris stared down his receivers, couldn't throw to the left side of the field, and didn't read the defense well at all. Granted, a lot of that has to do with a lack of recent game experience, but mostly he just confirmed things we already knew about him. So yes, Weinke is not as good as even this crippled version of Jake.

    What I object to, however, is the notion that Weinke's poor performance somehow validates Delhomme. It doesn't. It means we have a starting QB who sucks and a backup QB who sucks more. Neither Henning or the offensive line are responsible for Jake's dreadful inaccuracy this season, which has been the single biggest problem for our team this year. Delhomme is certainly far from the only problem and not even responsible for the majority of problems, but he's still the single biggest culprit of any player on our team. Yes, he has been pressured too often and yes our receivers were dropping balls earlier in the year, but the main reason we are the worst team in the league on 3rd down is that Jake simply cannot throw accurately this season. Whether it's a mental issue, a mechanical issue, or an undisclosed injury, he just flat out sucks at delivering the ball accurately even compared to his performance in previous seasons. Because of that, the Panthers definitely should actively look to replace him or at least bring in competent competition next season. Of course, I doubt they will because we're always much too late in addressing obvious personnel concerns and Fox is far too loyal for the team's own good.

    And just to address a point from last week, I can't believe how hopelessly confused most of you were regarding the final interception. I mean, for God's sake, you even had threads talking about how Sheppard saw Jake audible to the fade and yet the most clueless TBR members were still blaming Henning for making the call. Henning didn't make that call, Jake did. (for the record, it wasn't a bad call since we did have 1 on 1) Then many seemed to blame Keyshawn for the subsequent interception, but that wasn't his fault either. Surely some of you have been around football enough to know that you never ever throw the fade when the cornerback hasn't turned his head. If he doesn't turn then he can easily read the throw and make a play on the ball, especially if like Sheppard the cornerback anticipates it and cuts off the outside. Jake should have seen that and either thrown the ball away or adjusted to put it somewhere else (either inside or to the back shoulder at the front pylon). The only thing Keyshawn really gets blamed for is trying to draw a penalty (which he does too much) instead of fighting to at least try and break up the pass. He really had no chance to make the catch given how Sheppard played the route, but he might have prevented the interception.

    Anyway, this pointless bickering between the pro-Jake and anti-Jake faction is just nonsensical. The only things that matter are the facts, and the facts are that we had a shitty line, suspect safeties, and a spotty run defense last year too. The one biggest difference between then and now is that last season we converted 42.2% of our third downs (6th best) and this season we're at 29.6% (last). There are many reasons we're losing, but that's definitely #1, and Jake's inaccuracy is the main reason for that dropoff.

    Some will undoubtedly refuse to acknowledge this self-evident truth (and magnus will certainly want revenge for exposing his outrageous bias above), but all I ask is that you look at the actual numbers and try to identify alternative reasons that we're sucking. It isn't enough to just want to believe that Jake's not the biggest problem, you need to actually look into it and make an informed conclusion. Look at the numbers and the facts and you'll see that I'm right, just as I usually am.

    And as for the rest of the season, we definitely try to keep Atlanta out and maybe cling to the possibility of beating out New Orleans for the division at 9-7, but it's beyond obvious at this point that this team isn't just underachieving. We are mediocre, sometimes worse, sometimes a little better. And as such, no it isn't too soon to start thinking about draft prospects. I'd be happy for the team if it finished with a winning record and made the playoffs, but honestly I only care about winning the Super Bowl and we ain't gettin' there this year. So I'll keep pulling for the Panthers on Sundays, but Monday through Saturday I'll at least start thinking about the future.
  10. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    He's baaaaack...

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